I have read a number of different articles on this so called budget meeting Obama has decided needs to be done by the 2nd of Aug. First let me start by saying huh? In the c-span it mentioned how Pres. Obama felt as though the meeting was constructive. Ok, so what does that mean for me exactly? I kind of like the sound of the Cut, Cap and Balance act but what is exactly are we cutting? I understand the cap on federal spending but what programs funded by the federal goverment will have a cap? All of this has made me a little more interested in what is going on with our government. I thought everything that happened in america was in some way taken care of by my government who I feel is suppose to protect me. I'm not so sure I feel protected. Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Democratic caucus will reject cuts to Social Security and Medicare as a way to balance the budget. “Do not consider social security a piggy bank for the wealthy,” . At least thats good to know. My great grandmother will be covered for a while, but even she has stated that with what she gets a month for SS she has to determine what meds are most important. I think with that statement alone, I think the democratic caucus is doing a good thing for our elderly.
On a different note I also read a statement made by Orrin Hatch in think progress that said the poor and middle class needed to shoulder a bigger part of the tax burden, ". This is the kind of idiotic thing that pisses me off. He also complained that 51 percent of Americans don’t pay income taxes and hinted that what the poor and middle class pay in payroll taxes doesn’t count as a contribution since it goes toward Social Security. Really is all I have to say to that. The last time I look at my payroll deductions it had both federal, and ss taxes on it. and my federal taxes were more than my Social Security taxes. I do believe this was really an idiotic statement. I have three children of my own and with my income alone I am told I am over the low income line. So I pay in addition to my taxes from payroll, 160 dollars minimum a month for my kids just to eat breakfast, and lunch. That amount is only for two of my kids. I pay 706 Dollars a month for daycare for my youngest. So for Sen. Hatch to make those comments makes me upset. No I may not pay taxes at the end of the year but the money I make all year is never really seen. Nor does it add up to the amount I spend a year for my children. I don't really mind paying the Social Security tax because this is how my great grandmother is able to support herself, but on the other hand I do think that its crazy that I will have to work til I'm 102 to be able to support myself because Social Security for me will be no more! If I could say one thing to Mr Hatch it would be it's funny how you make a big deal about what the wealthy will have to contribute to america to help, when the low and middle class are suffering and trying to figure out how they are going to be able to pay for the essentials in life and how how much they will need to fill up a private jet!
I agree with everything that was said in kkacn78744 post about “What is the real issue here”. I have been reading about the budget cuts myself. I am worried not only for my future but my kids’ futures as well. My mother is in her mid 50’s and I am worried for her too. I have four children and I pay for daycare for three of them. They take their lunch to school and I provide them with breakfast before they leave to go to school just so I can save a little money somewhere. I think it is really funny how we can find ways to cut the budget here and there and still make ends meet but the very Government that is suppose to provide and protect can’t come up with a way to do the same. I think they are acting like Peter Pan in reverse. Not stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, they are stealing from the poor and making sure the rich stay rich. They don’t understand how hard it is to make ends meet on our end because they have never had to do so. I have so many deductions by the size of my family I hardly have and taxes taken out but I barely see the benefits of it. I have been working since I was 15 and now I think I am going to work till I am gone. At the rate they are going they are going to turn America into a third world country and we are going to have commercials for starving children in our own backyards. It would be pushing it to think if they did away with social security for them to give us a lump sum check of what we have all worked to put in it. I get a letter each year now telling me how much I would get if I needed it now but that is just a tease.